covered call for income

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best seasonal stocks to buy

Best Seasonal Stocks to Buy For January As is often said, timing is everything in life.  This adage also applies to business and investing.  Add the right stock to your portfolio at the perfect time and you’ll reap the financial rewards.  The challenge lies in timing your entry into new positions to minimize risk and maximize … Read more

uSMART Review: Automating your trade with SMART Orders 5

uSMART’s SMART Orders Have you ever been in a situation where you have done so much due diligence and research on a particular investment play such that regardless of what methodology of analysis was used, you have it right down to the numbers and parameters and it looks something like this: Stock ABC Target Entry … Read more

guide to etf investing

What are ETFs? Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs for short, are often associated with index-tracking funds that trade on the stock exchange like shares. Their tracking feature means that the ETFs hold a basket of shares that match the index. For example, one cannot theoretically buy directly into the S&P 500 index, the most popular … Read more

4 Stages of a Market Cycle and where are we currently at? 7

Master the market cycle to supercharge your returns There is a famous saying that goes: “It is futile to time the market. It is time in the market that matters.” Or perhaps you have heard the saying: “The only thing that matters in long-term investing is the company’s fundamentals.” However, while you might not be … Read more

Ultimate Robo advisors Singapore Guide. Key facts you need to know (2022) 8

Robo Advisors Singapore We know we have got to start investing. Problem is, we DON’T KNOW how to get started. That might be a problem in the past but it is no longer one with Robo Advisors coming into the picture. What are Robo Advisors? Robo advisors are digital platforms that use algorithms to automate … Read more

Dollar Cost Averaging x Fractional Investing 9

How to engage both Dollar Cost Averaging and Fractional Investing the easy way Imagine you are gifted $18,000 to invest in 2007. You are given 2 strategies. The first strategy is to Lump Sum invest your $18,000 into the S&P 500 ETF (ticker: SPY) and the second strategy is to engage a Dollar Cost Average … Read more

Inflation investing: Strategies to beat the inflation bug 10

The market has had its most significant drawdown since June 2020, with every sector deep in the red. The key factor driving lower markets was undoubtedly inflation, or how sticky it was. Back in early September, I wrote this article: Has inflation peaked? Don’t bet on that. My thesis was that while inflation showed a … Read more

3 Thematic ETFs to buy in 2022 with strong structural tailwinds 12

Thematic ETFs to buy in 2022 Thematic Investing is an approach that focuses on predicted long-term trends that could be structural, potentially resulting in the evolution of an entire industry. For investors, being able to identify some of these structural forces early would be the key catalyst to drive successful investing over the long term. … Read more

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